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Cheesman Reservoir Spills

Cheesman Reservoir reached full pool and began spilling late Friday night. This is great news for South Platte enthusiasts, as last year’s drought is now a recent memory with a well-above average snow pack. According to Dave Bennett at Denver Water, “Cheesman will be spilling for a while and our folks will blending spill water…

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Tailwater Tactics: Elevate your Small Fly Game to the Next Level

In all honesty, midge-fishing is only as difficult as you make it!  Many anglers shy away from fishing with tiny flies and spider web thin tippets, but trust me–that is a huge oversight!  The most challenging part of midge-fishing is tying on the minuscule offering that is oftentimes required to catch trout during the winter.…

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Robert’s Tunnel Expected to Stay on this Winter!

We’re excited to announce that the Roberts Tunnel is expected to run through the winter of 2018-19. “We have decided to run the Roberts Tunnel through the winter this year – 2018 – 2019. The flow rate should be somewhere between 50 cfs and 100 cfs during that time” said Katie Knoll, from Denver Water.…

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Think Outside the Box

Autumn is one of the best times of the year to fish with streamers. Many anglers get trapped in a rut and rarely do anything but nymph-fish. It’s important to remain open-minded, experiment with your tactics and techniques, and think outside the box from time to time. During the autumn months, I typically carry a…

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Pat Dorsey Fly Fishing